Water Rats was a big-budget police action-drama series set around Sydney Harbour. Running from 1996 to 2001, the original lead detectives were played by Colin Friels and Catherine McClements. They were later replaced by Steve Bisley, Aaron Pedersen and former Home and Away star Dee Smart (Lucinda Croft). Peter Bensley, who had played schoolteacher Andrew Foley on a recurring basis from 1988-1990 appeared in all 177 episodes of the show. Jay Laga'aia (Elijah Johnson) appeared in the first four series.
Many familiar faces from Home and Away appeared on the show, including several main cast members. These included Vanessa Downing (Pippa Fletcher), Dennis Coard (Michael Ross), Les Hill (Blake Dean), Andrew Hill (Haydn Ross), Rebekah Elmaloglou (Sophie Simpson), Matt Doran (Damian Roberts), John Adam (Luke Cunningham) , Mouche Phillips (Viv Newton), Matthew Lilley (Rob Storey) Paula Forrest (Shelley Sutherland), Ryan Kwanten (Vinnie Patterson), Jason Smith (Robbie Hunter), Sonia Todd (Gina Austin), Rebecca Cartwright Hewitt (Hayley Lawson), Robert Mammone (Sid Walker) and Shane Withington (John Palmer),
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